Unique pieces for the inquisitive lovers of language and linguistics.
16 Dec 2024
I Love Them With All My Heart (And Liver)
Do you love them with all your heart? Do you wonder why you feel this with all your heart? Our expression of love and sorrow emerges from the deepest parts of our mind and body but where does the use of our organs as the source of this feeling originate from?
16 Dec 2024
The Art of Fictional Languages: Deconstructing Dothraki and Klingon
Did you know that the act of creating fictional languages has its own name? Conlanging, short for the construction of languages, has become increasingly popular as the genres of science fiction and fantasy have taken TV and book audiences by storm. From Star Trek to Game of Thrones and The Lord of the Rings, constructed languages, so-called conlangs, have found their way into popular culture. We will closely examine two of these languages, Dothraki and Klingon, to truly learn what goes into creating and speaking these conlangs.
4 Nov 2024
Impoliteness in Online Gaming: A Linguistic Analysis
Have you ever had the delightful experience of joining a discord-voice chat full of guys as an innocent girl just wanting to play some League of Legends? Maybe not, but I certainly have, and as a result of my culture shock, I have made some observations on the language used within this specific environment.
Meet the Editor
I'm a passionate writer with a Journalism degree and a desire to spark discussions and explore perspectives on both light-hearted and significant topics. I'm set to start my Master's degree at the University of Nottingham soon. I've always been drawn to languages, and I'm a polyglot myself! I speak English, Tamil, Hindi, German, and Korean. If I'm not writing, I'm definitely playing video games, or watching my favorite show. As someone who loves the idea of languages and culture, Lingo is perfect because it helps you explore things that you wouldn't have even known to explore! It encompasses everything that I look for in a magazine, and I'm looking forward to contributing to it!